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Lucchetto con allarme LUCCHETTO CON ALLARME è un sistema di sicurezza essenziale per i ciclisti. Possiede un'avanzata tecnologia di blocco del freno a disco e un allarme controllabile, garantendo la massima protezione contro il furto della tua bicicletta. Proteggi la tua bici con LUCCHETTO CON ALLARME.
??STABLE AND DURABLE??As this brake disc lock is made of aluminium alloy, it is very stable, strong, waterproof, weatherproof, corrosion-resistant and durable.
??WIDE USE?? This brake disc lock is perfect for motorbikes, bicycles, scooters, electric cars, cruisers, scooters, sports bikes.
??SECURITY??There will be 3 short beeps when it is locked to let you know it is locked. If the bike is moved briefly (lock vibration), it will beep and beep to deter thieves. If you touch the bike again, it will sound a loud alarm for 10 seconds until you unlock it. This way you can safely protect your property.
??EFFICIENT AND ACCURATE?? Just shake it and the 110dB alarm will sound automatically.
??Easy to Carry?? This brake disc lock is very compact and easy to carry.
Lucchetto con allarme LUCCHETTO CON ALLARME è un sistema di sicurezza essenziale per i ciclisti. Possiede un'avanzata tecnologia di blocco del freno a disco e un allarme controllabile, garantendo la massima protezione contro il furto della tua bicicletta. Proteggi la tua bici con LUCCHETTO CON ALLARME.
??STABLE AND DURABLE??As this brake disc lock is made of aluminium alloy, it is very stable, strong, waterproof, weatherproof, corrosion-resistant and durable.
??WIDE USE?? This brake disc lock is perfect for motorbikes, bicycles, scooters, electric cars, cruisers, scooters, sports bikes.
??SECURITY??There will be 3 short beeps when it is locked to let you know it is locked. If the bike is moved briefly (lock vibration), it will beep and beep to deter thieves. If you touch the bike again, it will sound a loud alarm for 10 seconds until you unlock it. This way you can safely protect your property.
??EFFICIENT AND ACCURATE?? Just shake it and the 110dB alarm will sound automatically.
??Easy to Carry?? This brake disc lock is very compact and easy to carry.
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